隐私 政策
感谢您访问南加州大都会水务局网站. This notice explains our online privacy practices and how we collect and use your information at this site. 我们收集的信息类型和本政策可能会发生变化. 请定期查阅本政策声明.
大都会不会分享或交换您提供给我们的在线信息, 包括电子邮件地址, 供第三方使用.
我们将根据法律要求披露个人身份信息, 例如, 响应法院命令或传票. We also may dis关闭 such information in response to a law enforcement or regulatory agency’s request.
Although we take appropriate measures to safeguard against unauthorized disclosures of information, we cannot assure you that personally identifiable information that we collect will never be dis关闭d in a manner that is inconsistent with this 隐私政策.
Some of our sites contain 链接 to other sites whose information practices may be different than ours. 请阅读其他网站的隐私声明, 注意,我们无法控制提交给的信息, 或者由, 这些第三方.
为了提供最佳的服务和便利,我们可能会使用“cookie”.” A cookie is a temporary code placed in your computer by our server that facilitates communication and saves you time when you visit our site. 饼干 may be used to understand site usage and to improve the content and offerings on our sites.
If you have any questions or concerns about the Metropolitan online policy for this site or its implementation you may contact us at (电子邮件保护).
Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information on Metropolitan’s web servers are strictly prohibited and may be punishable by law, including under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996.
& 自动存储
如果您在访问期间什么都不做,只是浏览我们的网站, 阅读页面, 或下载资料, 我们将自动收集和存储有关您访问的某些信息. 此信息不能识别您的个人身份. We use this information to help us make our site more useful to visitors and learn about the number of visitors to our site and the types of technology our visitors use. 我们不会向第三方提供、出售或转让任何此类信息.
日志可以无限期保存, and they may be used to prevent security breaches and to ensure the integrity of the data on our servers.
在使用大都会网站的过程中, a user may choose to provide information to help Metropolitan serve that user’s needs or conduct re搜索. 任何时候都有许多在线调查在大都会的网站上进行. Person(s) responsible for conducting online surveys that collect personally-identifiable information should clearly state at the survey site the extent to which any information provided will be shared. Aggregate data from surveys may be shared with external third parties in ways that do not compromise privacy.
无论是大都市, 也不是它的任何单位, 项目, 员工, 代理人或个别董事会成员, shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained in Metropolitan’s websites, 大都会不对任何人使用该信息承担任何责任. 在任何情况下,大都会网站不得, 或者它的单位, 项目, 员工, 代理人或董事会成员个人对任何直接责任负责, 间接, 偶然的, 特殊的, 模范, 或间接损害赔偿(包括, 但不限于, procurement or substitute goods or 服务; loss of use, data, or profits; or business 中断) however caused and on any theory of liability, 是否在合同中, 严格责任, 或因使用本系统而引起的侵权行为(包括疏忽或其他), 即使被告知这种损害的可能性. 本免责声明适用于任何损害或伤害, 包括但不限于因履约失败造成的损失, 错误, 遗漏, 中断, 删除, 缺陷, 运行或传输上的延迟, 计算机病毒, 通信线路故障, 盗窃或破坏或未经授权进入, 蚀变的, 或者使用记录, 是否违反合同, 侵权行为的行为, 过失或任何其他诉因.
免责保证 & 数据的准确性
Although the data found using Metropolitan’s access systems have been produced and 过程ed from sources believed to be reliable, 没有保修, 明示或暗示, 是关于准确性的, 充分性, 完整性, 合法性, 任何信息的可靠性或实用性. 本免责声明适用于信息的单独使用和汇总使用. Metropolitan以“现状”为基础提供这些信息. 任何形式的所有保证, 明示或暗示, 包括但不限于对适销性的默示保证, 适合某一特定目的, freedom from contamination by 计算机病毒es and non-infringement of proprietary rights are disclaimed. Changes may be periodically made to the information herein; these changes may or may not be incorporated in any new version of the publication. If a user has obtained information from any of the Metropolitan web pages via a source other than Metropolitan pages, 请注意,在原始分发之后,电子数据可能会被更改. 数据也会很快过时. It is recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of any data associated with a file, and that the originator of the data or information be contacted with any questions regarding appropriate use. 如果用户发现任何错误或遗漏,请报告给:
700 N. 阿拉米达街
洛杉矶,CA 90012
大都会是内容的分销商,有时由第三方和用户提供. 任何意见, 建议, 语句, 服务, 提供了, 或由第三方表达或提供的其他信息或内容, 包括信息提供者, 用户, 或其他, are those of the respective author(s) or distributor(s) and do not necessarily state or reflect those of Metropolitan and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. 此处提及任何特定的商业产品, 过程, 或者通过商品名称提供服务, 商标, 制造商, 或以其他方式, 不构成或暗示其认可, 建议, 或大都会的青睐.
大都会提供其他网站的链接. 这些链接包括其他机构和官员运营的网站的链接, 其他政府机构, 非营利组织和私人企业. 当用户离开大都会网站并访问另一个网站时, 用户须遵守新网站的隐私政策. 大都会不负责任何非网站页面引用的内容. 用户明确承认大都会不承担诽谤责任, 疏忽, 不准确的, 进攻, 或其他用户的非法行为, 链接, 或第三方,上述伤害的风险完全取决于用户. Links from Metropolitan web pages on the Internet to other sites do not constitute an endorsement from Metropolitan. 这些链接仅作为信息服务提供. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate the content and usefulness of information obtained from other sites. 大都会的网站包含到其他相关互联网网站和资源的链接. Since Metropolitan and its websites are not responsible for the availability of these outside resources or their contents, the user should direct any concerns regarding any external link to its site administrator or webmaster.
由于互联网的动态性, resources that are free and publicly available one day may require a fee or restricted access the next, 项目的位置可能会随着菜单而改变, 页面和文件被重新组织. The user expressly agrees that the use of Metropolitan’s websites are at the user’s sole risk. 大都会不保证服务将是不间断的或错误自由. The 文档 and related graphics published on this web or server could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical 错误s. 此处的信息会定期更新. Metropolitan and/or its respective units and 项目 may make improvements and/or changes in the information and/or 项目 described herein at any time.
E邮件 addresses obtained through the website will not be sold or given to other private companies for marketing purposes. The information collected is subject to the access and confidentiality provisions of the Public Records Act, 加州法典和联邦法律的其他适用条款. E邮件 or other information requests sent to Metropolitan’s websites may be maintained in order to respond to the request, 将此请求转发给大都会的相关188bet棋牌平台人员, 向大都会页面传达市民可能感兴趣的更新信息, or to provide the Metropolitan web designer with valuable customer feedback to assist in improving the site. 个人可以随时取消任何有关新服务更新的通信.